We Play the Classics You Want to Hear!
Audiences throughout the Kitsap Peninsula find themselves exhausted at the end of the evening when SC6 is onstage. Why? Because it's impossible to sit still when Silver City 6 is playing. This band makes you want to get up and MOVE!
From reunions to wedding parties, casinos, anniversaries and more, if you're looking for a local live band to hire then you have got to give Silver City 6 a listen. You'll love their music, but even more so, you'll love the band and their honest desire to provide quality entertainment with a wide variety of songs. For more information or to book an event, please submit your information on the contact page. We'll contact you ASAP to discuss your needs. |
Upcoming ShowsPrivate Party
Bainbridge Island Sat., Feb. 15th 6-8 ECHOES BREWERY POULSBO SILVER CITY 4 FRI., FEB. 21ST 6-8 THE GARAGE BREMERTON SILVER CITY 6 FRI., FEB. 28TH 6-9 THE CRAZY OTTER PORT HADLOCK SILVER CITY 6 SAT., MARCH 8th 7-10 FILLING STATION Kingston SILVER CITY 4 Sat., March 15th 7-10 BETHEL TAVERN PORT ORCHARD SILVER CITY 6 FRI., MARCH 21st 8-12 19th Hole Bremerton SILVER CITY 4 Sat. March 22nd 6-9 BREMERTON ELKS CLUB Silver City 6 Fri., March 28th 7-10 THE FLOAT Silver City 6 Purdy Sat., April 12th 8-11 THE GARAGE BREMERTON SILVER CITY 6 SAT., APRIL 19TH 6-9 BUSHEL & BARREL Silver City 4 Friday, April 25th 6-8 FOX ISLAND CHAPEL SILVER CITY 4 Sat., May 3rd 7-9 BREMERTON ELKS CLUB SILVER CITY 6 FRI., MAY 9TH 7-10 THE ROADHOUSE SILVER CITY 6 PORT TOWNSEND SAT., MAY 24TH 7-10 The SPAR TAVERN TACOMA SILVER CITY 6 SAT., JUNE 7th 7-10 Private Wedding Mike Wallace Park Sat. June 14th Filling Station Kingston Silver City 4 Sat., June 21st 7-10 The Beer Vault Purdy Silver City 4 Sat. June 28th 7-9 Port Angeles Car Show! SILVER CITY 6 Fri., July 11th Port Angeles Fairgrounds SILVER CITY 6 Sat. July 12th 7-11 Private Party SILVER CITY 6 Poulsbo Sat., July 19th 5-11 CONCERTS ON THE BAY PORT ORCHARD SILVER CITY 6 THURS., JULY 24TH 6:30 THE ROADHOUSE PORT TOWNSEND SILVER CITY 6 SAT., JULY 26TH 7-10 THE 19th HOLE Bremerton SILVER CITY 4 SAT., AUG. 9th 6-9 Bushel & Barrel Silver City 4 Friday, Aug. 15th 6-8 BRENDA & HANK'S WEDDING BREMERTON ELKS CLUB SAT., AUG. 23rd FILLING STATION KINGSTON SILVER CITY 4 SAT. SEPT. 27th 7-10 PRIVATE WEDDING SILVER CITY 6 CHEHALIS SUN., OCT. 12TH HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! GEODUCK TAVERN BRINNON SILVER CITY 6 SAT., OCT. 25TH 7-11 Keep checking our schedule as we add more shows!! See ya down the road!!! |
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